Visit this unique pre-war hunting lodge, built by the aristocratic Potocki family at the end of the 19th century. The Potocki family was also the owner of the magnificent palace in Łańcut. You will find the wooden lodge 20 km north of Łańcut in the village of Julin (Municipality of Rakszawa). The complex exists of a hunting lodge, director’s villa, kitchen building and even a cold store.
Built on a T plan, this picturesque lodge made of larch wood in Tirol style is beautifully located in a forest. Admire the openwork type window and doors, balconies, balustrades, as well as roof ornaments.
Guests were not only members of the Polish aristocracy, but also of the European aristocracy, like the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and Crown prince Rudolf of Austria. After World War II the hunting lodge was a worker and children hostel. Now the complex belongs to the Museum in Łańcut. The wooden hunting lodge in Julin is located on the Sub-Carpathian Route of Wooden Architecture.
The Sub-Carpathian Route of Wooden Architecture brings you to many old wooden churches. If you follow route VII of the Route of Wooden Architecture, you will find the most beautiful wooden buildings in the neighbourhood of Łańcut.