Hiking and Nordic walking

Marked traces through the Łańcut land

In the district of Łańcut in south-eastern Poland there are wonderful marked traces for hiking and Nordic walking. The longest one is the Historical Tourism Trail: you need two days. Other trails bring you to the natural gems of the region. You will notice a lot of charming colourful road chapels – time to take a break and enjoy the landscape.

Follow the historical route

Lovers of hiking and Polish history should follow the Historical Tourism Trail – Colonel Leopold Lis-Kula (39 km). Colonel Leopold Lis-Kula was one of the most talented Polish officers, posthumously promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and then verified as Colonel of infantry. His funeral on the “Pobitno” cemetery in Rzeszów became a great manifestation of patriotism. During the funeral ceremony the Colonel became a wreath with the inscription “My brave boy-Józef Piłsudski”.

The hiking trail was created at the initiative of the Podkarpackie Pilsudski Association in Rzeszów. The route leads from Kosina (town of birth of the colonel), Markowa, Husów, Albigowa Honie, Cierpisz, Maria Magdalena Hill, Słocina to the city of Rzeszów.

Long distance hiking trail

You need about 11 hours to hike the whole trail, but you can also organise 6-7 hour tours. When you start in Kosina you should visit the Stanislaus Bishop Parish Church.  Around the church you can see traces of the ramparts from the first half of the 17th century in the shape of a 8 point star. In Handzlówka worth a visit are: the neo-Gothic Peter and Paul Parish Church, a chapel located next to the school and “the Gallery” – a building where the work of the residents of village are presented. If you want to visit the listed objects, you better make an appointment in advance (Phone: +48 17 226 42 38). The objects are ran voluntary, so there are no fixed opening hours.

In the small village of Słocin near the church the interesting Saint Roch chapel is located. In the vestibule of the Church, in a special case, you will find a bread which was the main food in the 19th century during the typhus epidemic.

Admire natural wonders

If you like nature, then follow the ecological hiking trail “Koralowa” in Cierpisz, or go to the Dąbrowski forest near Grabina or head for the Wilczełyko nature reserve.

Find the red elderberry

The interesting „Koralowa” trail in Cierpisz (3 km), owes its name to the wide spread red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) in this area. Along the trail there are 10 stations with information on mushrooms, birds, games (hunted animals), fox holes, larix seeds, or forest management. Besides red elderberry, Daphne mezereum, European wild ginger (Asarum europaeum), the European bladdernut (Staphylea pinnata) and a 150 year old English oak (Quercus robur) grow here. The “Koralowa” hiking trail starts near the Faustyna Kowalska elementary school.

Educational trail at the hunting lodge

At the hunting lodge of the “Kuropatwa” Hunting Association in Żołynia (ul. Białobrzeska, near number 514) you will find several educational stations with information and riddles that teach you about forest inhabitants in an attractive way. The place is available all year round.

Explore the forest near Rakszawa

Another very interesting hiking trail is the Las Dąbrowski trail near Grabina (3.5 km), leading through the forests of Rakszawa, and the Wilczełyko trail (12 km) leading through the Rakszawa forest and Wydra (12 km). On the second trail you will see among others the nature reserve Wydrze, a memorial place where guerrillas have been shot, the meanders of the Krzywy creek, a larix avenue, the forester’s lodge Marysin and the wooden palace in Julin.

Enjoy Nordic walking

If you want to hike more sportively, head for the Nordic Walking trail in the Nordic Walking Park in Białobrzegi. You can park near the fish ponds in Korniaktów.

There are three Nordic Walking trails in the Nordic Walking Park in Białobrzegi suited for both beginners and advanced walkers. You will find them in the villages of North Korniaktów, Białobrzegi and Budy Łańcuckie: the green trail (6,1 km), the red trail (8,7 km) and the black trail (13,3 km). The trails are mainly planned on dirt roads and forest roads. Take breaks near the signs with exercises in order to exploit the maximum potential of walking with poles.


